Oh shit..I've got an itchy bumhole £0.50 NJP020
Every sunrise is a message from God..Wanker £0.50 SUNRISE
£0.50 SPUNK
Happy Bidet £0.50 BIDET
What do you mean 'Big headed'?! £0.50 BIG-HEADED
My degree of sarcasm depends on your degree of stupidity £0.50 DEGREE
While you're down there... £0.50 THERE
Up Yer Bum! £0.50 UP
Oh good, you've uploaded more holiday photos £0.50 UPLOAD
£0.50 BC19
£0.50 BC26
You're very generous with your penis £0.50 BC30
I was gonna make you a rum cake £0.50 BC34
I went shopping for your birthday £0.50 BC41
I'd call you a drunken whore but you don't drink... £0.50 BC43
I dream about naps £0.50 BC49
Do you like me dress? It's not really my taste. What is you taste? Tasteful. £0.50 BC50 TASTE
Drinking softens my urge to kill you. £0.50 BC51 URGE
£0.50 CATNIP
Great CGI! £0.50 CGI
Get Well Soon £0.50 GETWELL
Milkshakes £0.50 MILKSHAKES
In Pursuit of Penis. Ivanka Youoff £0.50 Pursuit
£0.50 REECE

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